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Valery Feodorovich Andrus
The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.
Terms and definitions
HEAT - is a mechanical increasing (contact action) in vibration (oscillations) of the “hedgehogs” needles’ neutrons’ pentads under the thermal carriers action with the simultaneous increasing in the neutrons’ twisting in the “hedgehogs” needles’ pentads, in twisting of the needles themselves, in twisting of the “skipping ropes” (compounded pairs of the “hedgehogs” needles), in twisting of the “hedgehogs”-gases themselves under the increased magnetic lines of force in the shape of the small needles, threads, ropes from the neutrinos’ pentads with the neutrinos’ accelerating mechanism action, and under the increased gravitational flow, which is the unstructured component of the magnetic fields directed to the needles axes.
The thermal carriers are free carriers of a lot of thousands kinds as single, so the temporary jointed in the small groups, and also fragments of the structured energy carriers, for example, of Light, the magnetic lines of force with their accelerating mechanisms.
The main thermal carriers in the 1-st parallel world are neutrons and fragments of the needles, threads, and ropes of Light.
In the Universe, Light possesses the strongest mechanical force. In the item
(“Neutrons’ (nuclear) forces”), it is shown how acting in the pentads’ axis nuclear force
generates, which is combined, turning a Light rope into a power rocket with a nuclear
engine. The rope thickness can be larger than any cell size of the lattices. Such a rope – a
Light rocket can pierce the way through any lattice up to thousands kilometers of
thickness, provided that conditions for its generation are established.
In bursting shells, just the Light ropes are mechanical force throwing away fragments at long distances.
For example, let’s consider an elementary bomb – ball with a fuse. The metal body
of the ball is a solid crystalline shell inside which, there is an explosive (a substance in
which, the chain reaction can actively develop) and the burning fuse serves as a starter of
the chain reaction. In the burning fuse, only Hydrogen takes part in the chain reaction
irrespective of the material in the flame surface layer. When the weak chain reaction on
Hydrogen reaches the explosive, at the first moment the chain reaction on Hydrogen will
begin there, but for the body presence, the neutrons have no place where to be scattered
and inside of the bomb their flux forms from the fuse to the opposite side. The dense
neutrons’ flux forms the needles, threads, and ropes of Light with the nuclear accelerating
mechanism; it is power rockets with the nuclear engines commensurable with the sizes of
the substance and body lattices. Having broken open the explosive lattice and developed
the chain reaction, the number, thickness and power of the ropes-Light rockets sharply
increase in and they, like a free-running laser, breach weak places of the body breaking it
off. Then the bumped into sides of fragments ropes-Light rockets carry away the fragments at rather long distances, depending on their power and the fragments’ masses.
Light in the common life, pressure of which even could not be defined for a long
time regards to the scattered one, i.e. its density is low and the ropes’ thickness is minimal. The
shorter Light rope, the less pentads’ quantity in it, and respectively, the less total nuclear
force acting in one direction. Light velocity depends on the ropes’ lengths. Let’s remember
TV programs in which nuclear and hydrogen bombs’ bursts are shown, for instance, in
water. From the top shooting, it is seen, as the shock wave comes the first (the small
thickness’ surface, in which the chain reaction occurs, i.e. breaking down the “hedgehogs”
of the gases and liquids with sharp increasing in density of the neutrons and other thermal
carriers) with supersonic speed, i.e. without disturbance of the environment in front of it.
Before the shock wave, the water has a usual colour typical to the given lighting. Inside of
the shock wave circle, the water is lighted. Where did Light appear from and why is it not
coming from the expanding shock wave circle? The shock wave velocity is not higher,
than 4 km/s, but the Light one is many hundred thousand kilometers per second. The
neutrons’ high density is in the shock wave, but vacuum is in the narrow layer after it in
the water. The flux is always directed from the high-density zone to the low one, and more
often than not it is connected with vacuum. The Light Ropes have directions to the circle
center, therefore and light bias, and confirmation of the theory, but practically, there is not
Light outside the circle. And the same effect is observed on the salt lake, when the jet car
is breaking through the sound barrier and everything is lightened in the opposite side to the
shock wave motion direction. In shooting from top, it is a very beautiful sight, as if a solid
golden field behind the shock wave were lit, and in front of it – a night in broad daylight.
Such a difference is in Light force.
Let’s consider heat supply to one “hedgehog” needle in the lattice under the standard conditions (20оС, 760 mm Hg). The heat supply under those conditions is essentially a directed neutron flux. Let’s have a look at the “hedgehog” needle. A “thermal” neutron (a heating one), with its active magnetic field and kinetic energy, collides or simply pushes first and foremost to the “hedgehog” needle magnetic field, through which impulse of force is transferred to the neutrons. Neutrons’ oscillation increases in. More neutrinos of the gravitational flow of the Earth’s needle and correspondingly of the star – the Sun began to come into the increased periodical gaps between the neutrons. Having the higher twisting, than the neutrons’ neutrinos in the contact places through the impulse of force, the gravitational neutrinos increase in twisting of the neutrons’ neutrinos and partially loses their, and “crumpled” ones are carried out by the gravitational flow of the Earth-star to the common star gravitational flow, which returns to the Luminary. So, by mere mechanically, the star transfers its energy to every particle of all parallel worlds and their activities are hold by that. If the star were removed, the every of its structures would have broken down to the components, as of substances, so of the particles, i.e. their activity would have ceased, what defines the death in the natural sense, though the deaths of some are always a start of lives of others in the proper and the philosophical senses.
Now about the main differences between heat and Light:
1. In breaking down, Light multiplies quantity of the main thermal carriers of the 1-st parallel world – neutrons, forms electromagnetic fields, which generate gravitational flows of the neutrinos with the trapped part of thermal neutrons; the pentads from the neutrons form chemical elements, and the neutrinos form the small magnets for the “hedgehogs” needles of those elements, i.e. the accustomed for us mass in the form of substances and plants.
2. An inverse process of coupling generates Light – an energy carrier with the neutron (nuclear) driving mechanism.
3. Temperature is density of the above enumerated thermal carriers with the small fragments of energy carriers, and it can’t reach a quantity more, than ~ 6000оС.
The thermal carriers come out from the bodies and substances, obeying the density distribution law, i.e. tend to the position, when the density will become uniform and that a crucial factor.
After forming, Light with the neutron (nuclear) driving mechanism doesn’t depend on both the movement direction, and any circumstances, because it is the most powerful mechanical force in the Universe. The weak Light and laser beams can be deflected.
For instance, Light has gone from the lantern, but the filament cools off for a plenty long time obeying the density distribution law, because there is no any structure for the strictly directed actions in the thermal carriers.
Created/Updated: 25.05.2018