

Valery Feodorovich Andrus

Valery Feodorovich Andrus


The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.

Terms and definitions


  NEUTRONOS (NUCLEAR) - are the mechanical pulsating (vibrating) action of four neutrons upon one in the neutrons’ pentad, with forming the single force direction under the action of the external energy exciter – a gravitational flow (field) of the star, compacted by rotating neutrons to the proper small.


FORCES magnets to appear as “magnetic lubricant” in the places of the periodical contacts of the neutrons, giving up its neutrinos’ energy to the neutrinos of the neutrons’ pentad, from which they are formed.

  Having lost a part of the energy and thrown from the small magnets of the neutrons’ pentad and their common magnetic field, the “magnetic lubricant” neutrinos are captured by the gravitational flow of the star and return to the star for the re-excitation in the thermonuclear processes and recapturing by the needles, threads, ropes of Light. So, the compacted to the neutrons’ small magnets and continuously renewing them gravitational fields appear as the stars’ energy suppliers, supplying the active action of the matter in the Universe.

  What does the neutron (nuclear) force of the single neutrons’ pentad equal? The neutron force of a neutron in the neutrons’ pentad is defined through the impulse of force of four neutrons to one at the elastic collision (by an example of the moving molecules interacting with the vessel sides under the molecular kinetic theory of gases, and one neutron – a “unit” appears as the vessel side).

  A period of time between two sequential collisions of any neutron from a tetrad to one neutron (unit) is defined by the shell (the energetic level, orbital) in the needles of the “hedgehog”, in which there is a pentad, and that is an amplitude of oscillations (Аof the shell), which depends on the gravitational flow density in that place and temperature:

and the frequency

The average value of the neutron (nuclear) force of the neutron from the tetrad acting on the neutron-“unit” is

  Neutrons colliding a neutron-“unit” are four and the neutron (nuclear) force of the pentad will be

and through the medium of the frequency fof the shell :

  Suppose that the rotating angular velocity agreed with the oscillation frequency, proceeding from the idea that while contacting there is a displacement of the neutrinos’ masses center into the neutron, i.e. a disbalance, and it beats with the addendum at every revolution – we shall come to:

  Let’s try to define on present showing the neutron diameter. We have known that in Н2 molecule, the average distance between the nuclei (Ro or D) is 0,751 Ао. If Н2 – deuterium molecule (Fig.5) is shown in the side view, you can see that D is approximately D:3=0.751:3=0.25 Ао

Under the assumption of Аof the shell = D, we shall come to

wherе v – light velocity within the Earth orbit radius.

The tentative balanced neutron (nuclear) force in the Hydrogen “cube” will be

  That neutron (nuclear) force is a variable quantity, which depends on the gravitational flow density and the thermal carriers’ density (temperature). It is zero at 0оК.

  It is a short termed period of the “black hole” generation in the body motion with the speed equals to the gravitational flow velocity, i.e. at the same two cases, when we have come to zero – time.

  The neutrons in the pentads are hold together additionally by the small magnets’ gravitation (about gravitation see at the
item ) (Fig.8), and, besides that, they tend to zero because of the throws in rotating around the instantaneous velocities center to the longitudinal axis of the pentad.

  As we see, neutrons’ (nuclear) forces of the pentad and their small magnets’ gravitational forces act simultaneously. Breaking down mechanically in the “lubrication” shells, small magnets’ structures transmit mechanically excitation (twisting) of the neutrons neutrinos, and the star gravitational flows twist the pentad through the small magnets and regenerate the small magnetic structure both the each single neutron and the whole pentad.

  The neutrinos’ pentads are arranged the same as the neutrons’ ones. The neutrinos’ small magnets consist of the neutrinos also. That it goes precisely like this confirmed by electromagnetic interactions, in which electric current is essentially threads, ropes from the neutrinos around which there are circular and longitudinal structures of the needles, threads, and the ropes of the magnetic field on the basis of the neutrinos as well. Having the single carrier, electric current and magnetic fields can be converted one into another.

  The neutrino force of the neutrinos’ pentad is defined by the same formula as for the neutron (nuclear) one

  Nuclear force of the neutrons’ pentads is a pulsating force of the tetrad collisions, in other words nuclear force is impact.





Технология изготовления универсальных муфт для бесварочного, безрезьбового, бесфлянцевого соединения отрезков труб в трубопроводах высокого давления (имеется видео)
Технология очистки нефти и нефтепродуктов
О возможности перемещения замкнутой механической системы за счёт внутренних сил
Свечение жидкости в тонких диэлектрических каналох
Взаимосвязь между квантовой и классической механикой
Миллиметровые волны в медицине. Новый взгляд. ММВ терапия
Магнитный двигатель
Источник тепла на базе нососных агрегатов

Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
