Исторические карты Перри-Кастанеда
Библиотека карт Перри-Кастанеда (более 250 000 карт онлайн)
Библиотека карт Перри-Кастанеда включает в себя более 250 000 карт онлайн.
Библиотека Университета Техас.
- Historical Maps of The World
- Historical Maps of Africa
- Historical Maps of The Americas
- Historical Maps of Asia
- Historical Maps of Australia and the Pacific
- Historical Maps of Europe
- Historical Maps of The Middle East
- Historical Maps of Polar Regions and Oceans
- Historical Maps of Russia and the Former Soviet Republics
- Historical Maps of The United States
- Historical Maps of Texas
- Army Map Service Topographic Map Series (1945-)
- Atlas of Mexico (1975)
- Atlas of Texas (1976)
- Cambridge Modern History Atlas (1912)
- Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1911)
- Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1923-26)
- National Atlas of The United States of America (1970)
- Pre-1945 Topographic Maps of the United States (1881-)
- Public Schools Historical Atlas by C. Colbeck (1905)
- Historical Maps on Other Web Sites
Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
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