

Valery Feodorovich Andrus

Valery Feodorovich Andrus


The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.

Terms and definitions


 A GRAVITATIONAL TIME - is duration (tempo) of the course of all physical and chemical actions in the given volume of space, depending on the gravitational flow density in that volume.

  For instance, at absolute zero (T=0Ко) the time is zero also, as the gravitational flow density is absent and this is absolute emptiness. A situation like this occurs at the moment of a “black hole” birth, when fluxes of the matter and energy of the outburst stars after collision scatter from the explosion center following the shock wave. So, time is a variable quantity as the alternating gravitational field on which it depends. The fastest time will be at the inlet of the gravitational flow of the given star into its atmosphere (for example, the Sun) with the maximal flow density. The duration of a human life on the Moon will be longer by so many folds as less its gravity towards the Earth’s one. The gravitational flow forms small magnets on the “hedgehog” needles in the lattices of substances, in liquids and gases, and makes the neutrons twist in all “hedgehogs”. At absolute zero, any matter and energy carriers will break down to their structural components but for absence of the energy carriers – particles of the gravitational flow. For example, a human being breaks down to neutrinos and neutrons, which will not move, but due to their twisted structural components, will remain integral for a long time.

  Nowadays, mankind uses conception of time from classical mechanics, about which I. Newton said: “Absolute, apparent, mathematical time runs steadily in itself and on its constitutive essence without any dependence on something….”. So, the “absolute time” by Newton is something non-physical, from on high, existing of its own accord.

  There is only relative time in modern physics based on relativistic mechanics. A recurring physical action is used, for example a rotating hand of a wristwatch, the rotating of the Earth around the Sun, quartz plate oscillations, and luminous radiating by atoms for its measurement.

  Some physical action is chosen and declared: the same period of time runs between its two repetitions. That chosen action is considered as a standard of time. Time is measured with its help. But how does it determine whether the chosen standard is trustworthy indeed? Even Newton wrote: “Natural sunbeams, which are considered equal actually are unequal.” What does that mean? If the Earth rotation around the axis is chosen as the standard of time, the calendar days are equal by definition. The answer is merely experimental and that is typical of physics. The scientists have not only one standard but a whole set of recurring processes, different by their physical nature. Those from them, which run synchronously in comparison with each other, are singled out and they are just declared as the standards of measuring “true time”. If it occurs in more accurate measuring that any of the standards don’t fit others, it will be abandoned.

  Nowadays, the most accurate standard of time is the atomic clock, whose action is based on measuring the frequency of the radiation by atomic light waves.

  So, we have two well-known conceptions about time and now another new one – gravitational. What is the difference among them?

  The first – the well-known conceptions treat time as a scalar quantity undirected in space. The solar system, not to speak of galaxies and the Universe, has an alternating gravitational field, which increases in proximity to the star. The gravitational flows of the energy carriers-particles mechanically excite the “hedgehog” neutrons of the gases, liquids, and bodies. The additional excitation is produced by the thermal carriers from the artificial sources, and also the influence of diurnal and seasonal changes of climate is added under the action of the energy carrier – Light.

  Modern physics has not known yet what gravitation is and how it interacts with the lattices “hedgehogs” called atoms by the science.

  It also has not known what the thermal carriers are and what the temperature is. If it had known that in a chain reaction in the nuclear reactors “protons” were thermal carriers, it would have arisen the question from where a positive charge occurred, because every schoolboy knows nobody has managed yet to control heat with the help of electric methods. It follows from there that it is obvious something to have blundered with an atom in the form of a nucleus with electrons because having made protons neutral, atomic and nuclear physics (a base of all sciences) decay. From this, the statement about standard time of the atomic clock sounds irresponsible, whose action is based on measuring the frequency of the radiation by atomic light waves (?!), which don’t exist as well as both electrons and photons.

  If you compare vector variable gravitational time directed in space with the modern relative one, it will just remind you of the Middle Ages when the sand glass was considered to be sufficiently accurate and nobody knew if it was transferred to the Moon, but for less gravitation, it would show “slower” time compared with Earth’s one. In the Solar system, gravitational flows move in an evolvent curve from the periphery to the star (the something similar is seen well on the spiroid branches of the galaxies) with density increasing in the same direction. If a man is put in the cosmos at such a distance from the Sun, where the gravitational flow density and body heating compared with the Earth’s surface occur again and it begins to move the man to the periphery of the Solar system, all his vital activity operations will be inhibited, besides mentation (the intellectual computer which continues to operate and in a vacuum at low temperatures). The human longevity to that direction increases. While moving backwards, it decreases. Planets establish their local conditions, which are different from the conditions of the Solar system cosmos, of galaxies, and of the Universe.

  If you had moved in the solar evolvent curve to the star with the gravitational flow velocity, time would have been zero as in the moment of a “black hole” birth. All chemical reaction would have ceased while being screened from Light, as the builder of the chemical elements is gravitation.

  The second – it is a variable quantity of time. It has a zero point. A question is raised: “Can time be negative?”

  For answering the question, it is necessary to continue moving the body in the gravitational evolvent curve with more velocity than in the flow. The body will begin to thread itself on the flow and the processes will begin to renew in a regular order, because the changed direction of the attitude of the flow entrance in the body will again continue building the elements. It is necessary just flowing – the simplest action for building the chemical elements. Its direction in the space is of no importance. It is important only its variable density and body movement direction with respect to its variation.

  In summarizing, we see that time for the 1-st parallel world couldn’t be negative.

  After the above stated, it is evident that Newton’s absolute time and modern relative time are as near as one and the same to gravitational time, as the local specific rhythm of conditions of one planet is shifted to the Universe. That rhythm can be reserved for the Earth’s users for further use. In space exploration, it is necessary to operate with gravitational time. In a spacecraft, weightlessness is defined as equality of the centrifugal force with the gravitational one. Plants could be grown under those conditions because there is a gravitational flow – the chemical elements builder. By definition, nothing could be grown in the spacecraft with zero time because there is not a gravitational flow there.

  By the General relativity theory, degree of space curvature, i.e. the degree of its deviation from Euclidean geometry is more when the matter possesses more energy (It’s right as a matter of fact. Author). Under those conditions, time runs slower. (Such a statement is a rough mistake, which turns the General relativity theory into a mere intellectual exercise. Author).





Технология изготовления универсальных муфт для бесварочного, безрезьбового, бесфлянцевого соединения отрезков труб в трубопроводах высокого давления (имеется видео)
Технология очистки нефти и нефтепродуктов
О возможности перемещения замкнутой механической системы за счёт внутренних сил
Свечение жидкости в тонких диэлектрических каналох
Взаимосвязь между квантовой и классической механикой
Миллиметровые волны в медицине. Новый взгляд. ММВ терапия
Магнитный двигатель
Источник тепла на базе нососных агрегатов

Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
