

Valery Feodorovich Andrus

Valery Feodorovich Andrus


The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.

Terms and definitions


 ISOTOPES - are the six-pointed “hedgehogs” with different sized needles in passing to the subsequent or to the antecedent chemical element.

  In this context, both isotopes determine the state of aggregation of the element. In passing to the subsequent element and shifting the state of aggregation, the paired compounding of the neutrons’ pentads to one axis occurs. In passing to the antecedent element the paired decompounding of the neutrons’ pentads from one axis occurs and also with shifting the state of aggregation.

  A “hedgehog” is a chemical element with equal sized needles. It is always in the gas state of aggregation. If the gravitational flow increases its density under any external action to the quantity at which the neutrons’ pentads begin forming, so it will put the neutrons’ pentad with turned on the nuclear accelerating mechanism on the top of the South pole of the needle of the vertical axis of the “hedgehog”-gas and that will lead to its sharp jerk towards the same direction. By the action of the nuclear accelerating force of the upper-compounded pentad, the South pole of the lower needle will collect the neutrons’ pentad overtaking the flux (moving faster than the gravitational flow). The new lower-paired compounded pentad with its nuclear mechanism will balance the force action of the upper pentad. After compounding the new-paired pentad on the vertical axis with the South poles, the first long axis will appear, which will develop into a stable horizontal position under the action of any lateral neutron of the gravitational flow in the result of the collision – that new state of aggregation is a “liquid”. That long axis will be rotating in the horizontal plane and short axes with the North poles will get double rotating, as around that long axis, so one of the two axes will rotate periodically together with the long axis in the horizontal plane and that alternating magnetic field with poles interchanging and it multiplies chances of coupling with other elements and isotopes. After compounding one more pair of the neutrons’ pentads to the periodical vertical axis of the isotope – “liquid” we shall have another long axis, which will be located in the horizontal plane. At the presence of the two long axes in the horizontal plane, the short vertical axis is in one strict position and a stable alternating magnetic field occurs in the horizontal plane, in distinction from the periodical one in the isotope – “liquid”. So we have obtained a new state of aggregation of the isotope – “solid state”. That isotope is ready for crystallization.

  If we put two-paired neutrons’ pentads with the help of the gravitational flow on the short axis of the isotope – “solid state”, we shall obtain a new chemical element in which a new shell of pentads on its six needles would occur – it is orbitals or energetic levels. A little longer axis with the South poles will be in the vertical position again and the process of obtaining the new elements can go on further. The small magnets around the needles are formed from the neutrinos’ gravitational flow. So, the gravitational flow is a builder of the chemical elements.

  In order to obtain the antecedent chemical element from the available one, it is necessary to rarefy the gravitational flow-builder and to supply heat to it. It will lead to an increase in its twisting and the neutrons’ pentads’ last shell detachment by the centrifugal force.

  The pentads’ shells in the needles are the orbitals or energetic levels. The most compressed neutrons’ pentads’ level will be the first one and it will possess the least energy. And it will be a vertex of the cone simultaneously. The last shell of pentads, which are circumscribing the bottoms of the cones and the first to get the external excitation, will possess the most energy.

  The gravitational flow twists the “hedgehog” acting on the small magnets of the needles in the horizontal plane. The isotope – “solid state” has the small magnets in that plane with oppositional twisting. As a result of that, it stops rotating around the vertical axis and practically ideal conditions are established for forming a crystal lattice.





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Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
