

Valery Feodorovich Andrus

Valery Feodorovich Andrus


The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.

Terms and definitions


 A CHEMICAL ELEMENT - is a six-pointed “hedgehog”, with the equal sized needles in the form of the neutrons’ pentads pressing towards one direction to the “hedgehog” center.

  Every needle has a small magnet from neutrinos. Every neutrons’ pentad rotates. Every needle rotates also in the whole. The free ends of the needle circumscribe circles. In the side view of the rotating needle, we can see a cone with the vertex in the “hedgehog” center (π - orbital) (Fig. 3).

  A chemical element in the gas state in the vertical gravitational flow has an elongated axis with the cone bottoms. Magnetic lines of force in the form of small needles, threads, ropes enter the bottoms. They are the South poles (S) of the small magnets of that axis. In the center of the “hedgehog”, on the Hydrogen cube from 9 neutrons (two neutrons’ clusters of four (tetrads) compress 1 neutron), magnetic lines of force of the North pole (N) of that axis enter the South poles (S) of the four small magnets of the needles situated in the horizontal plane. The long needles-axes always tend to locate in the horizontal plane under the neutrons’ lateral collisions, i.e. perpendicularly to the gravitational flow. A chemical element is a “hedgehog” in the gas state, rotating anti-clockwise around the elongated vertical axis without any external actions if we look downward at it. While rotating the “hedgehog”, a continuous magnetic shell occurs with two South poles in the vertical axis and four North poles in two horizontal axes. Coupling similar chemical elements in the gas state occurs mainly on the vertical. The upper “hedgehog” with its lower South pole, under the pressure of the vertical gravitational flow, overcomes repulsion of the upper South pole of the lower “hedgehog” and couples with it – it is a chemical covalent bond, as the frontal neutrons’ tetrads don’t have an intermediate neutron, they stop rotating around their axis – they “stick together” in the neutron interaction and the similar South poles tend to repel one another. After coupling two “hedgehogs”, the newly formed long axis with two South poles will be in the horizontal position, and for vertical coupling only the North poles will remain. Another “hedgehog” top, coupling with its South pole to the North pole of any of the two lower “hedgehogs”, will lead to the formation of a chemical ionic bond and hybridization of the magnetic lines of force of all three “hedgehogs” already. A stable structure will occur – a molecule, which will tend to retain its physical properties. Let’s leave neutron chemistry for a while. All chemical elements are formed similarly in the shape of the six-pointed “hedgehogs” and differ only by the needles sizes. Every consequent element adds one neutrons’ pentad on each of the six needles. The intermediate-paired pentads’ additions form isotopes.

  The first element Hydrogen doesn’t have the needles and is essentially a cube of the nine neutrons, in which two neutrons’ tetrads compress the central neutron. The Hydrogen cube has two small magnets with two North poles on the central neutron and two South poles on the neutrons’ tetrads. For this reason, (mutual repulsion of the two analogous North poles), Hydrogen is destroyed more easily, than other chemical elements in the chain combustion reactions, explosions, etc…. The structure of chemical elements is similar in all parallel worlds, i.e. in the Universe the principles are always kept.





Технология изготовления универсальных муфт для бесварочного, безрезьбового, бесфлянцевого соединения отрезков труб в трубопроводах высокого давления (имеется видео)
Технология очистки нефти и нефтепродуктов
О возможности перемещения замкнутой механической системы за счёт внутренних сил
Свечение жидкости в тонких диэлектрических каналох
Взаимосвязь между квантовой и классической механикой
Миллиметровые волны в медицине. Новый взгляд. ММВ терапия
Магнитный двигатель
Источник тепла на базе нососных агрегатов

Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
