

Valery Feodorovich Andrus

Valery Feodorovich Andrus


The table of conversion of chemical elements by V. F. Andrus.

Terms and definitions


  A PHYSICAL FIELD - is a flux of Light, a flux of mass (of energy carriers and particles), a flow of heat, a flow of gravitation, a flux of electricity, a magnetic flux.

  In other words, all fields are directional carriers of particles and energy carriers. All the fields are bound to be carriers of mass. There is nothing without mass in the Universe besides absolute vacuum.

  The General field theory covers six fields: Light, thermal, mass, electric, magnetic, and gravitational. Under the mass field, in the General field theory, only fluxes of the particles and energy carriers with masses connected with them are understood. If we take, for example, the asteroidal belt in the solar system, it’s a flux of masses, but already in the form of bodies, and they are not included in the General field theory.


  A PARTICLE - is a globoid with the size of 0.05 A (5 x 10–12 meters) twisted round two axes with possible velocities commensurable to light ones.

  A particle has a structure and can be divided into smaller components by external forces.


  A NEUTRINO - is a particle-carrier of electricity, magnetism, gravitation, mass, the least for the first – 1 parallel world and mainly unbreakable in thermonuclear processes.

  A neutrino is the father of all chemical elements as neutrino ones (a dark matter), and neutron where it enters a larger structure – a neutron. Known chemical elements are built of neutrons, which in their turn consist of about three hundred neutrinos. The neutrino, as well as all the particles in the Universe, doesn’t have a charge, but it has a magnetic field on the basis of the carrier – a super neutrino. Structurally all the particles – neutrinos are arranged similarly – they are six-pointed “hedgehogs” after the manner of the axes X, Y, Z, in which all the needles are stuck with clusters of five super neutrinos (dust from neutrinos) – pentads (Fig. 1). The tentative neutrino mass (ν) is 0.6 x 10–30 kg.


  A NEUTRON - is a structural particle consisting of approximately three hundred globoid neutrinos, which is twisted round the two axes with a velocity from zero to light ones.

  A neutron is a carrier of the Light, heat, gravitation, Maxi-field, and mass. Structurally, the neutron is arranged the same as the neutrino, and its pentads formed not from the super neutrinos (the basic carriers of the chemical elements of the 3-d parallel world) but from the neutrinos. The six-pointed “hedgehogs” of all chemical elements of the 1-st parallel world are formed from the neutrinos’ pentads (Fig. 1). The neutron doesn’t have a charge, but it has a magnetic field on the neutrino carrier. (The well known neutron from school was substituted with a cube from 9 pieces of smaller neutrons of a complicated structure).

  The common super magnetic field fluxes of all neutrinos are the neutron genetic memory in the neutron volume under the neutron magnetic field, in the absence of destructive external actions. The axes of both neutrino and neutron small magnets N-S are perpendicular to the resultant direction of the rotation velocity vector (after the composition of two directions of rotation).

  In the first, second, and etc. parallel worlds, the structure of the particles is the same and it is formed under the unitary principles of the Universe. Only sizes of the structure component particles are changeable. How does the main basic part of the definite carriers appear? (In other words: “How are the carriers calibrated to a single size and mass?”). In the present textbook only the first parallel world is considered with accustomed physical facts for us, which we are able to describe, to measure, to make experiments on, and in some way to monitor. In the first world, the two main carriers, neutrino and neutron, dominate. All the other particles are their derivatives either after their breakdowns, or their short term linking under external actions.

  Let’s begin with the neutron. Where is it formed and under what conditions? In the Universe, the neutron is formed from neutrinos’ gases while forming a neutron body of a star in the “black hole” at the moment of the shock wave generation, (a thin surface of the gases, in which the chain reaction occurs) during a “dark matter” collision (neutrinos’ gases, neutrinos’ liquids, neutrinos’ crystalline solids), with the primary neutron body of the star when it is in the pulsar mode, i.e. during periodical collisions. During collision and the shock wave generation, the neutrinos’ bodies and liquids pass to a gas state because of enlarging thermal carriers (any particles which are out of the structures) and a corresponding increase of temperature (thermal carriers density). Part of the gases disintegrates into free neutrinos, which are formed in pentads to stick to the needles of the various sized “hedgehogs”, on the strength of neutrinos’ forces forming various sized globoids. While the stars in the Universe are forming, a maximum temperature of about 6000oC in any of their sizes in the period of their growth is reached. What we call a temperature of millions of degrees is actually a Light density, i.e. it is a structured flux in distinction from the flow of heat. An existing constant temperature of about 6000oC, i.e. thermal carriers density, secures a rather close-range twisting of the various sized neutrinos’ spheres. Calibrating force is centrifugal force, which, during the increase in twisting of the spheres, overcomes the neutrino force of the compression of the surface pentads of the very large spheres and detaches them before the moment of equilibrium between the two forces. The detached pentads also stick to the smaller spheres till the two forces are balanced. As a result of that, we have the calibrated spheres – neutrons!

  Let’s notice the main fact: in the nascent shock wave, practically the whole energy is concentrated in the twisting of the particles. For obtaining the smaller carriers, for example, it is necessary to collide the same neutrons, but already possessing high kinetic energy, i.e. high linear velocity. It occurs during the collision of the structural Light carriers in the threads-spicules and the “tornado trunks” on the Sun and other stars. In that “mill”, the neutrinos are calibrated under the same principle. And here occurs the main question of the Universe: “What were the first: the small carriers or the large ones?” In the Universe, the great majority of the “dark matter” is on the small carrier – neutrino, i.e. the primary were the smaller and smaller carriers, practically to infinity. The limit of that was the absolute infinity emptiness with the X-parallel world particles-carriers.

  The neutron mass (n) is approximately 0.18225·10-27 kg.





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Магнитный двигатель
Источник тепла на базе нососных агрегатов

Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
