
Система для игры в рулетку Genesis Roulette

GENESIS System for the Roulette Wheel has been tried and tested over many, many hours of play. It is very easy to implement but for it to work effectively, first and foremost, you MUST BE DISCIPLINED. Casino Games are cleverly designed to give the house a small edge over the customer - as low as 2% - but with their massive turnover, a small percentage in their favour will produce huge profits for the Casino. DISCIPLINE is required to operate the GENESIS system because we do not bet on every spin of the wheel. There are two aspects to the GENESIS system, which when combined make this method extremely powerful - one is the period of "hesitation" used - the other is the staking.

Before you commence play, you must ensure that you have a suitable Betting Bank which for Peace Of Mind is recommended to be 40 times whatever the minimum stake is that you are going to use.

The system is designed for backing the EVEN MONEY shots on the outside of the table, ie. RED + BLACK, ODD + EVEN or HIGH + LOW (1-18 or 19-36).

For the purpose of introducing you to the GENESIS SYSTEM, all play referred to here is on RED + BLACK.

In most Casinos worldwide, the minimum stake on the EVEN MONEY chances is ?5 or $5 or the equivalent. Until you are confident with this system you should play minimum stakes, so for you to be able to play in the "comfort zone", ideally you should sit at the table with a Bank of ?200. There will be periods when you may find that up to half of your Betting Bank is in use but you will also have sessions when you will be playing with the Casinos' money after the very first bet and won't need to dip into your Bank for the entire session. Choose a table where there are very few other players because the more players, the slower the play. On a very busy table it can sometimes take 5 minutes or more for a single spin of the wheel because of the time taken up by customers buying chips and for the payouts after each spin. On a very quiet table you can get 30 or 40 spins in an hour. The best time to play is in the afternoon if your chosen casino is open then. There is no defined period of play but for the purposes of explaining the system to you, the results shown are for 100 spin sessions which took around 2 to 3 hours, but of course you can stop play at any time. Most Casinos have indicator boards that display the previous 16 spins, with BLACK to one side and RED on the other. Be extremely wary of these electronic boards - they often go wrong and may indicate that a number has come up 3 or 4 times in succession when in fact it only occurred once. Sometimes the boards will stop displaying one colour or the other - so be warned. Ideally, check with another player at the table that the previous numbers are correct or sit down and record numbers for a while without playing. To commence play, we first wait for either 3 repeating colours or 3 alternating colours - so we wait for RED/RED/RED or BLACK/BLACK/BLACK or RED/BLACK/RED/BLACK or BLACK/RED/BLACK/RED. As soon as one of these sequences occurs which could happen as soon as you sit down or could mean a 20 minute wait, our first betting series commences on the next spin. We bet on whatever the sequence is doing, so if 3 REDS have come up, we bet on RED - if a sequence of BLACK/RED/BLACK/RED has happened, then our first bet is on BLACK because the colours are alternating. The aim is win 1 chip (or if we don't win 1 chip, then to break-even) on each betting series. So our first bet is 1 chip. If this bet wins, we have made our target of 1 chip profit and that betting series is complete. A new series of betting starts on the very next spin, 1 chip again and following whatever the current results are doing - so if the colours are alternating and our last win came on BLACK, then the first bet of this new series is a 1 chip bet on RED. Should this bet lose, the betting series is not yet over because we haven't made at least 1 chip profit or broken-even, but we do stop betting and wait until the next run of either 3 repeats or 3 alternates occurs. When this happens, we commence betting again on the next spin following whatever the colours are doing and we increase our bet to 2 chips. If this bet wins we make a 2 chip profit less the 1 chip loss from the previous bet to give an overall 1 chip profit, thereby completing another betting series. Had this 2 chip bet lost, the current betting series running total goes to -3 chips. Because we have just had a losing bet due to the colour sequence changing, again we stop betting and wait for another 3 repeats or alternates before placing a 3 chip bet on the next spin. Should this bet win we have recovered the running total of -3 and broken-even on the series, so the betting series stops. We accept that we haven't made a profit on that particular series and start a new one on the very next spin starting again with a 1 chip bet. Should the 3 chip bet lose taking the running total to -6, again stop betting, wait for another 3 repeats or alternates and place a 4 chip bet on the next spin (keep in mind that we NEVER increase the bet by more than 1 chip at a time - don't be tempted to Double-Up and try to recover losses and make a profit in one spin. Yes, many times it will come off, but it only takes one time for it not to and you will be in deep trouble). Once we have gone past the 3 chip bet without making a profit, we accept that we are not going to make a profit on this series and the aim becomes just to get the series to break-even and then to start a new one. If the 4 chip bet wins, the running total for the current betting series goes to -2. After a win, if the bet was 2 chips or more, then usually we reduce the bet by 1 chip for the next spin. However, as the 4 chip bet has won and the current deficit is -2, because we looking to break-even now, the bet for the next spin is 2 chips which provided it wins gives a break-even sequence. If this 2 chip bet had lost, going to -4, a waiting period would occur until 3 repeats or alternates again and then the next bet would be 3 chips (remember we always increase the bet by 1 chip after a loser - NEVER MORE). A 3 chip win would take the series back to -1 so a 1 chip winning bet on the next spin would give the break-even target we are looking for. This explanation of how to work the system may look complicated but it is very simple in practice and by looking at the workings of the 100 spin sessions and the explanations that follow you will soon master it. When you are playing for real, you will need to keep a record of your bets as you go along - the Casinos provide pens and cards for you to do so. Summary of the important points of the GENESIS SYSTEM:-If you are going to play with ?5 chips, sit at the table with a minimum betting bank of ?200 - 40 times whatever your 1 chip bet is going to be. Wait until a run of 3 repeating colours or 3 alternating colours before betting.Aim to make a 1 chip profit on each betting series or to break-even if the series goes beyond the 3 chip bet without making a profit. First bet is 1 chip, increasing by 1 after each loss, decreasing by 1 or more after each winning bet. Don't move from one table to another whilst in the middle of a betting series - only move once a series has been completed - if you move half way through a series because it is starting to go wrong - Murphys' Law will ensure that a winning run will start the moment you leave the table! HOW TO HANDLE THE "0" or "00".

American Roulette wheels have a 0 and a 00. European wheels have just a single 0. When a 0 or 00 is spun, obviously it is a losing bet for us if we have been betting on that spin. Also, if we are in a waiting period, it is also a loser and breaks whatever the sequence of colours is doing. A 0 or 00 stops everything and from the following spin onwards we again wait for 3 repeats or alternates before betting again. So say the sequence goes RED/RED/RED/0/RED, the 0 is a losing bet and we stop betting until 3 repeats or alternates occur again. A sequence of BLACK/RED/BLACK/RED/0/BLACK/RED /BLACK would mean we were betting on BLACK when the 0 came up as the three previous spins had alternated. The next 3 spins after the 0 alternated BLACK/RED/BLACK. This is just two alternates - BLACK to RED then RED to BLACK. If the next spin was a RED, then this would give the required 3 alternates and we would resume betting on the next spin. In the USA the 0 and the 00 and in most European countries, the single 0 clears the whole table, apart from any bets on 0 or 00 themselves. On British tables we have a slight advantage in that as well as there being only a single 0, whenever it comes up, any bet on the Even Money Chances is halved - ie. you get back half of your bet. So, if you are playing on a British table and you have had a bet when a 0 comes up, record as a complete losing bet but treat the returned half stake as a bonus. Play can be extremely slow if the table is busy, but in many cases, once you have the experience of working the GENESIS system you may find you can sit between two tables that are close together and work 2 tables at once bearing in mind that much of the time you will only be betting on one table while a waiting period is happening on the other. If you do run two tables at once, use a separate betting bank for each and obviously keep a separate set of records for each one. Although the instructions for working the system are to use RED + BLACK, it will work just as effectively using either ODD + EVEN or (1 - 18) + (19 - 36). You could work the system using 3 separate banks at the same table, but to do it you will need plenty of room to get your bets on easily and to be quick and accurate in keeping your records after each spin. Don't attempt this until you have plenty of experience working just one Bank at a time! Don't be disheartened when you have a losing session - IT WILL HAPPEN. You cannot expect to win every time but if you stick to the system rules, over several sessions you will come out on top. If you have been playing with ?5 chips successfully and you are thinking of increasing your minimum stake, it is best to do so only after you have had several winning sessions and you are playing with the Casinos' money . Ideally finish each session with a completed betting series. The results for the 100 spin sessions following stop at the 100th spin even if a betting series is still running. BE DISCIPLINED, FOLLOW THE RULES AND YOU WILL BE A WINNER. LAS VEGAS CASINO - BUDAPEST, March 1998 P/L = Profit or Loss R/T = Running TotalSPIN RED/BLACK STAKE P/L R/T1 24 2 15 3 154 33 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)5 0 1 - 1 - 16 267 108 329 3610 2011 812 713 2414 015 2616 2217 918 1219 420 221 2522 3223 024 1425 3226 727 29 2 - 2 - 328 1029 030 3131 232 3033 1534 1035 2636 26 3 + 3 0 (0)37 10 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)38 18 1 - 1 - 139 7 40 2141 2 2 - 2 - 342 2143 2644 29 3 - 3 - 645 046 1547 2348 1649 1650 25 4 + 4 - 251 28 2 - 2 - 452 1253 1254 1455 20 3 - 3 - 756 2757 3258 2059 3260 2361 1662 29 4 - 4 -1163 25 64 2565 966 31 5 - 5 - 1667 468 2469 28 6 + 6 - 1070 0 5 - 5 - 1571 072 773 1674 2175 27 6 + 6 - 976 34 5 + 5 - 477 30 4 + 4 0 (0)78 6 1 - 1 - 179 1280 32 81 982 21 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)83 22 1 - 1 - 184 34 85 986 787 8 2 - 2 - 388 3189 1090 24 3 + 3 0 (0)91 1 1 - 1 - 192 2893 1594 2195 1196 797 15 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)98 22 1 - 1 - 199 17100 7 2 - 2 - 3 (-3) PROFIT +1 chip = ?25 This session in Budapest took about 2 1/4 hours - the table was fairly quiet - and it was a fairly difficult session with only a 1 chip profit to show at the end of it. It got off to a perfect start because the first 3 spins were repeats on BLACK so play started very early with the first bet on spin no.4 - a 1 chip bet on BLACK. 1st bet wins - 1 chip profit already - betting sequence stops and new sequence commences. Spin no.5 is 1 chip on BLACK - 0 comes up, so sequence is broken and I now had to wait until the next set of either 3 repeats or 3 alternates. It was a long wait of 21 spins before the next bet was placed - about 40 minutes without having a bet! Spins 24,25,26 were 3 REDS so a 2 chip bet was made on RED for spin no.27. This lost - running total for current sequence now -3. The next run of 3 were BLACKS - spins 33 to 35 so the stake was upped to 3 chips on spin no.36 on BLACK. This was a winner giving a return of +3 and making the current betting running total 0 - so this sequence stops having broken even. The staking reverts back to 1 chip for the next spin on BLACK starting a new betting sequence - it was a loser. It wasn't long to wait before the next 3 in a row happened - spins 38 to 40 were all REDS so a 2 chip bet went on RED for spin no.41 - this lost too, running total now -3. Again not long too wait before the next bet - spins 40 to 42 were alternating RED/BLACK/RED so the stake was upped another 1 and a 3 chip bet went on BLACK - this also lost so running total now -6. Six spins later, time to bet again after 3 successive REDS - the bet was upped to 4 chips and went on RED which won taking the running total to -2. As I had gone past the 3 chip bet it was time to just get the current betting sequence to break even without trying to make a profit. So the bet on spin no.51 was a 2 chip as bet on RED - not 3 chip - hoping for a win to complete the current series. Unfortunately, it lost (BLACK came up) so a further deficit of 2 chips deducted from the running total takes it to -4. We never up the bet by more than 1 chip so the next bet was 3 chips on spin no.55 after 3 REDS had appeared. This lost as well - now on -11. Again not long to wait, 3 more REDS followed so a 5 chip bet on RED for spin no.66 - another loss, running total now -16! Still more than half of the starting bank of 40 chips intact so nerves holding together! Spins 66 to 68 were all BLACK so time to bet again on spin no.69, a 6 chip bet on BLACK which won reducing the running total to -10. The stake is reduced by 1 to 5 chips for the next spin, again on BLACK - this lost, so back to -15. A losing bet means time to wait again - not long before a run of 3 REDS and 6 chip bet made on RED on spin no.27 winning 6 chips reducing the running total to -9. Stake 1 chip less on the next bet, so 5 chips on RED which also won and then a 4 chip bet on spin no.77 produced another RED and got the running total down to 0. Betting sequence stops having broken even. Spins 38 to 77 was a very difficult period but once the run of 6 consecutive REDS occurred starting on spin no.72, losses were quickly recovered. Over an hour of play, only to break even! A new betting sequence starts with a losing 1 chip bet followed by a 2 chip loss on spin 87 and a 3 chip recovery on no. 90 - another break even sequence. Next bet lost but the 2 chip win on spin 97 gave a 1 chip profit after an alternating run of RED/BLACK/RED (spins 94 to 96). The new sequence started with a loss as spin 98 did not alternate and 3 successive REDS meant a 2 chip bet on spin 100 which also lost to end the session with a sequence on -3. Not a great way to inish! SHERATON HOTEL CASINO, SOFIA, Bulgaria April 1998SPIN RED/BLACK STAKE P/L R/T1 182 73 44 325 86 177 48 29 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)9 19 1 - 1 - 110 2111 1512 1213 014 2915 1216 2517 418 019 520 3121 3322 1623 2624 2425 526 127 2328 36 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)29 26 1 - 1 - 130 1031 2032 15 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)33 7 1 - 1 - 134 935 2636 037 2738 3239 1740 3141 242 28 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)43 8 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)44 31 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)45 25 1 - 1 - 146 1747 148 0 2 - 2 - 349 1050 1051 1152 26 3 + 3 0 (0)53 26 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)54 7 1 - 1 - 155 956 2457 858 10 59 36 2 - 2 - 360 1561 2462 3063 3564 1065 2666 22 3 + 3 0 (0)67 28 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)68 28 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)69 6 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)70 10 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)71 2 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)72 16 1 - 1 - 1 73 3674 3375 176 377 078 3479 880 2581 2382 983 18 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)84 16 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)85 12 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)86 7 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)87 21 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)88 20 1 - 1 - 189 1490 691 12 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)92 17 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)93 36 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)94 20 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)95 30 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)96 3 1 - 1 - 197 3698 7 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)99 20 1 - 1 - 1 100 2 (-1) PROFIT +22 chips = ?450This session in Bulgaria was a far more pleasant and profitable one than the one in Budapest. The croupiers were mainly stunning Russian girls (which added to the enjoyment) and they were extremely fast at paying out and keeping the wheel going - the session only took about 1 3/4 hours! The croupiers in Bournemouth could learn from these girls.Didn't have to wait very long before the first bet of the session because 3 BLACKS came up in succession from spin no.5 so a 1 chip bet went on BLACK on spin no.8 which won giving a 1 chip profit. Betting continued on the next spin as the previous bet was a winner, but it is a new series so the stake is 1 chip - this lost, so a waiting period happened which went on to the 28th spin calling for a 2 chip bet after 3 repeating REDS - the 2 chip bet on RED won to give a running total on this new series of +1 - a profit, so the series stops with a 1 chip profit. Another new series starts on the next spin, this lost but was recovered and a profit made on a winning BLACK on spin no.32 - another 1 chip profit. Again, the new series started with a loss and again it was recovered on the next bet on spin no.42 giving another 1 chip profit. Two more repeating BLACKS on spins 43 and 44 donated a further 2 chips to the pile. Lost on spin 45 and the colours began alternating with a BLACK/RED/BLACK/RED, so a 2 chip play went on BLACK for spin no.48 - it lost because a 0 came up to move the running total for the series to -3. A run of 3 BLACKS followed immediately so the next bet was 3 chips on BLACK, spin no.52, this won recovering the deficit of 3 and giving a break-even series. A 1 chip profit was made on the very next spin and a loss on the following one. Spin no.59 lost another 2, but all 3 were recovered on no.66.A very welcome run of another 5 BLACKS donated 5 more chips (9 BLACKS in a row). The bet on spin no.72 lost but was turned in to a 1 chip profit on the next bet 11 spins later and a useful run of REDS donated 4 more chips. The bet on spin no.88 lost, but again after 3 alternating colours the alternating sequence continued and the recovery and profit came on spin no.91 with 4 more wins immediately after, before the colours went back to repeats. Spin no.98 produced another 1 chip profit but the following bet and last bet of the session was a loser. But what a session! A 22 chip profit = ?450 using ?25 chips.I never once had to go above a 3 chip bet and the last 1/3rd of the session produced 15 chips profit! A total of 36 bets were made so there wasn't a great deal of waiting and of the 36 bets, 25 were winners. STAKIS CASINO - BOURNEMOUTH, UK, September 1998SPIN RED/BLACK STAKE P/L R/T 1 162 23 224 15 166 317 268 359 10 1 + 1 +1 (+1)10 18 1 - 1 - 111 412 2513 22 2 + 2 +1 (+1)14 6 1 - 1 - 115 716 1417 2318 4 2 - 2 - 319 0 20 1821 1322 1023 2824 29 3 + 3 0 (0)25 26 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)26 19 1 - 1 - 127 2628 2429 730 1131 2132 28 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)33 35 1 - 1 - 134 1535 33 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)36 13 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)37 13 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)38 12 1 - 1 - 139 440 2241 2442 0 2 - 2 - 3 (+1) Half stake returned43 744 3045 2046 1447 2148 749 12 3 + 3 0 (0)50 27 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)51 3 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)52 31 1 - 1 - 153 9 54 055 1956 357 1058 1659 1660 2061 1262 2863 30 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)64 0 1 - 1 - 1 (+0.5) Half stake returned65 3466 1767 468 3369 1 2 - 2 - 370 2371 1672 18 3 + 3 0 (0)73 19 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)74 18 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)75 21 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)76 23 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)77 15 1 - 1 - 178 1079 3080 981 782 36 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)83 31 1 - 1 - 184 22 85 26 86 6 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)87 4 1 + 1 + 1 (+1)88 12 1 - 1 - 189 3490 1991 32 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)92 6 1 - 1 - 193 35 94 2995 24 2 + 2 + 1 (+1)96 25 1 - 1 - 197 2098 3199 1100 35 (-1) + 19.5 chips profit = ?487.50A very satisfactory session with a nice profit though the casino was very busy and play was slow - took over 3 hours for 100 spins. Still I only had to place a 3 chip bet 3 times throughout the whole session, and they all won.

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
